I purchased this as a pm9 curve, 2 piece, midkick (as this is the more common flex point) and 95 flex. I really like all the customizations and this is one of the last places to sell the pm9 curve and the two piece option is also great because the outdoor roller surface destroys blades before the stick will snap. The balance and feel is nice. The sitck is about 1 inch taller than other brands (warrior, bauer, alkali, etc), I don't usually cut my sticks at all. The flex I feel is a bit underrated. The 95 feels more like an 85 to me. I saw other reviews stating the same thing. Overall I'm quite happy with it and have played 5 games so far (I saw a few reviews of premature breaking, I take a lot of slapshots and play outdoors and its been holding up so far but obviously 5 games still isnt very long)